Thursday, November 11, 2010

Google Maps Privacy: The Street View & Wifi Scorecard

It seems not a week goes by without news of a new investigation into Google’s Street View service, or into Google’s collection of personal data via unencrypted WiFi networks that occurred over three years as Street View vehicles drove the world’s streets. It seems like one country opens an investigation just as another country ends theirs. Some countries have multiple investigations open. Or closed.

You need a scorecard to keep track of it all. So, we decided to make one. Below is a list of investigations that we’re aware of — a list we’ll update as new developments warrant or as we learn about new information we’ve missed. There are two different types of investigations that are most commonly launched:
    * investigations into Street View itself, the service where Google vehicles take photos in towns and cities around the world and put them online in Google Maps
    * investigations into Google’s collection of personal data over unsecured WiFi networks that occurred via Street View vehicles
We have two separate tables below, one for each kind of investigation, followed by a timeline of important events related to these investigations. Based on our count, there are close to two dozen countries and governmental organizations that have investigated — or are still investigating — these issues. Some have concluded that Google broke national laws but, to date, none have fined or penalized Google.
To know more informetion......

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